Can I get book chapters from the Libraries?

I only need a few chapters from a book. Can you send me just the chapters I need?

Last Updated: Oct 31, 2023     Views: 352

We can provide PDFs of book chapters from the UMass Amherst Libraries collection and from other libraries at no charge. 

If we do not have an electronic copy of a book that has the chapter that you want through the resources we subscribe to in the Libraries, you can submit a request for book chapters through your Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account (accessed with your NetID and password). 

If you haven't used ILL previously, you'll be prompted to fill out a short form with some information to help us get items to you. If you haven't used Interlibrary Loan before, you find more information here.

Once you're logged into the ILL system, you'll see a banner at the top. Under New Request, select Article/Book Chapter. Fill out the form, and our ILL department will work to fulfill the request. 

When requesting book chapters, please submit each chapter separately. Doing this will help get your request filled quicker.

Some requests may be delayed due to the changing status of libraries from which we borrow materials on your behalf.

If you need further assistance, you have have some choices (please include details about what item you're trying to get and what you have already done):

  • Contact the librarian for the subject using Find Your Librarian, and they will help you find materials.
  • Send your request directly to us using the question form to the right of this answer on the page.
  • Email us directly at

These services are available to current students, and current and retired faculty and staff.

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