How do I access an e-book that is available only at Amherst, Smith, and Mount Holyoke online libraries?

There is an electronic resource I want to use that says it is available through Amherst College, Smith College, and Mount Holyoke College. How can I get access to the book?

Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025     Views: 1879

Due to licensing restrictions for ebooks, only the students in those specific colleges can log in and use the ebook.

Current students and current and retired UMass Amherst faculty and staff may use Interlibrary Loan services to obtain a loan of books and other materials from a library beyond the Five Colleges or to obtain copies of articles and other materials from any library at no charge. If you have not used ILL previously, you can learn how to make a request on this page.

If you need assistance, you have have some choices:

  • Contact the librarian for the subject using Find Your Librarian, and they will help you find materials.
  • Send your request directly to us using the question form to the right of this answer on the page.
  • Email us directly at

We'll see what we can do to get you access to the resources that you need!

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