How can I find and use library materials in Perusall?

Are there any copyright or licensing issues I need to know about if I’m using library materials?

Last Updated: Jul 21, 2022     Views: 719

Perusall is a stand-alone tool that works with Moodle. While it works with Moodle, it does not search any of the Libraries’ resources. You would need to search the Libraries’ resources to find the materials you would like to and then upload them to the Perusall tool.

When you copy someone else's materials (including library materials) into Perusall, you should consider copyright issues, as well as whether there are any DMCA or licensing concerns for electronic materials. To assess whether your use of the copyrighted material is a fair use (17 USC 107) or not, you should consider factors such as how you and your students are interacting with the material, how much of the original you are using, and whether your use financially substitutes for a use the copyright owner is already making. Liaison librarians, Library Reserves, and the Libraries’ copyright librarian can all assist you with understanding fair use, applying it to your teaching, and how to shift your uses to be more fair.

Additionally, if you are using materials from the Libraries, there may be licensing and digital rights management (DRM) concerns.

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