How does 'text call #' in the catalog work?

I received the text on my phone indicating an electronic resource, but I'm not sure how to access the resource.

Last Updated: Jul 21, 2022     Views: 371

The Text Call# option texts you the information for the book, including the Call #. It does not give you access to an ebook. 

It's an older function in the catalog that was designed prior to smartphones. It would send the book's information and Call # to people so they could have that information on their phone when they went to look for items in the book stacks.

To access the ebook, return to the catalog record and click on the UMass: Link to Resource link. If the book's record shows that it's only available at Amherst College (AC), Mount Holyoke College (MH) or Smith College (SC), please see this FAQ for further help.

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